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GMB Pensioners please read!

Dear Colleague,
We are now only just over a week away from the general election and the country faces stark choice between continuing down the road of austerity and cuts to vital public services with a Tory government or a Labour government that will transform the lives of ordinary people from young to old.

Take a few minutes to watch and listen to members of the GMB Retired Members Association explain why they believe that the only real choice for pensioners like yourself, who rely on the NHS and social care, is to vote for a Labour government that will transform not only their lives but the lives of their children and grandchildren.
To view this video please click on this link –

Vote for your future, your families future and for the many not the few.

Vote Labour on Thursday 12th December and send Boris Johnson packing.
In Solidarity
GMB London Region

Posted: 6th December 2019

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